
The principles or clauses of the Charter will be implemented in four main program categories, namely, Religious Diplomacy, Youth Engagement, Women Empowerment, and Capacity Building; and the activities of the programs will be drawn from the domains of all human social and economic concern.

Religious Diplomacy

Promoting peaceful coexistence by facilitating dialog among religious leaders in meetings, seminars, and conferences to create respect, tolerance, understanding, and coexistence.

Youth Engagement

Providing youth from diverse religious, ethnic, racial, and cultural backgrounds the opportunity to participate in organized activities, such as arts, sports, and environmental preservation projects, to promote solidarity, respect, tolerance, understanding, and coexistence.

Women Empowerment

Providing women-specific educational and vocational training programs, advocating for their rights to protection and inclusion, and access to economic and social opportunities.

Capacity Building

Providing leadership and institutional development training and opportunities for mobilizing resources.